by academiaguiu1892 | Nov 16, 2020 | Pathwaycourses, Selectivity course, University access
An opportunity to fulfill your academic dream The job market is changing at breakneck speed. The demand for digital profiles in Barcelona, for example, is growing four times faster than the supply. In fact, between 2008 and 2020, the demand for employment in the...
by academiaguiu1892 | Sep 30, 2020 | ELE courses, Pathwaycourses, University access, University degrees
Approving degrees, diplomas or foreign studies of non-university education to continue your training in Barcelona or any other Spanish city is not an easy or fast process. Legal certificates, registration, official diplomas are required … documentation and a...
by academiaguiu1892 | Sep 14, 2020 | Pathwaycourses, Selectivity course, University access
How to decide between one career or the other? What if you don’t have a clearly defined vocation? What if you choose a career and later discover that you don’t like it? If you are reading this, it is probably because you are in your last year of...
by academiaguiu1892 | Jul 10, 2020 | Study tips, University access, University degrees
Entering the university is a big step, an important stage change in your life. For some, it is not only a change of habits, but also a change of address, leaving the family home behind and spending a lot of time and space with other university students. It is a stage...
by academiaguiu1892 | Jun 26, 2020 | Uncategorized, University access
How to enroll in college? – Step by step guide The process to enroll in a university is the next step to make one of the great decisions as a student. Before carrying out all the procedures we have had to think about where we want to study and what we want to...
by academiaguiu1892 | Jun 25, 2020 | Coronavirus, Pathwaycourses, University access
Selectivity against the spread of Covid-19 This year Selectivity comes later and with a battery of measures to cope with the spread of Covid-19. Gel, facemask and safety distance. These will be the keys to selectivity 2020, which will be held in...
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