If you are looking for a Spanish language course in the city of Barcelona, you are in luck, because here we will explain what is the most effective, adaptable and flexible Spanish course that exists, specially designed for those who work or study and therefore need a course with flexible schedules 24/7, 365 days a year, both in person and online.

Academia Guiu has been teaching since 1982. Its long experience has given it the necessary efficiency to guarantee concrete results in the form of passes, as its teaching method is oriented towards the qualifying exams, adapting at all times to these exams and their requirements.

Who are Academia Guiu’s Spanish courses for?

The Spanish courses at Academia Guiu are aimed at and specially adapted to students of ESO, Bachillerato or Bachelor’s degree, as well as to anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of Spanish. Also for the university entrance exams (EVAU).

Academia Guiu also offers Spanish courses specially designed for foreigners. There are both basic and advanced Spanish courses for foreigners, and they are accredited by the Cervantes Institute. These courses are aimed at foreigners who wish to improve their level of Spanish in order to get by better in their daily lives, and also for those who wish to prepare for university entrance exams, or to study any level of the Spanish educational system.

What does the Spanish course consist of?

Academia Guiu’s Spanish courses consist of private classes which can be given either on the premises of the academy or at the student’s home. There is also, of course, a fully online modality.

The teachers are accredited specialists in Spanish. Academia Guiu’s method focuses on the particularities of each student and adapts to them, always with the aim of passing the entrance exams or certification tests that the student has ahead.

This methodology of adapting to each student, together with the total flexibility of timetables, achieves maximum personalisation, which is the hallmark of this academy. It is Academia Guiu that adapts to the student, and not the student who has to adapt to it.

Timetable of Academia Guiu’s Spanish courses

The course is based on private, individual and personalised classes, so the student decides the timetable. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Given our extensive experience, we know how complicated it is for a student of ESO, Bachillerato, Bachelor’s Degree, or for someone who is working, to adapt to pre-established timetables. For this reason, and following our philosophy of totally adapting to each student, we leave it up to them to organise themselves and decide which timetable suits them best, as well as the modality (in person at the academy or at their own home, or online).

Moreover, the Guiu Academy facilities are at the disposal of its students from 9 am to 9 pm, Monday to Sunday. However, if the student prefers, he/she can receive the private classes in any other place, whether it is at home, in a public library, etc.

Academia Guiu’s premises are located at Rambla de Catalunya, 57. It is a 400 m² premises in the heart of Barcelona, 5 minutes from Plaza Catalunya and Paseo de Gracia.

Prices of Spanish courses at Academia Guiu

Due to the total adaptability of the Spanish courses at Academia Guiu, the prices vary greatly depending on how the course is programmed for each student, although very low prices are always guaranteed.

However, so that everyone can find out how much their personalised Spanish teaching programme will cost, Academia Guiu offers an interactive PDF. This PDF can be downloaded, filled in and sent by email to Academia Guiu, who will reply with the price of the study plan that the student has designed.

Here are the links to download the interactive PDF according to the level of studies that each student is studying:

Private Spanish classes at ESO and Bachillerato level.

Private Spanish classes at University level.

Once completed, the PDF should be sent, attached to an email, to the following email address: info@academiaguiu.com