Welcome to Academia Guiu! We know that combining studying and working can be a real challenge, but it’s not impossible.


With good organization and the right strategies, you can manage your time effectively and succeed both academically and professionally.


In this article, we share practical advice to help you balance both responsibilities and maintain a good performance in both areas.


The Importance of Planning and Organizing


The first step to managing your time well is to create a plan. Without proper organization, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of tasks, which can affect both your job performance and your studies.


Here are some tips to help make your planning effective:


Set a Schedule


Having a fixed schedule that balances work and study is essential to making the most of each day. Divide your time into blocks and assign specific hours for each activity. Don’t forget to include breaks to avoid burnout.


Use Organization Tools


Apps like Google Calendar, Trello, or Notion can help you keep track of your tasks and deadlines. Set reminders for important assignments or exams, and make sure your work doesn’t interfere with critical study moments.


Prioritize Tasks


One of the keys to time management is learning how to prioritize. Identify urgent and important tasks, and focus on them first. If you’re enrolled in an intensive course for Selectividad preparation, use methods like the Eisenhower matrix to classify your activities and prioritize the most relevant ones.


Learn to Say “No”


One common mistake when trying to study and work simultaneously is accepting more tasks than you can handle. It’s crucial to know your limits and learn to say “no” when you feel that extra work could negatively impact your academic performance.


If your boss or colleagues ask you to take on additional tasks, clearly explain your situation. Similarly, if you think you won’t be able to meet a deadline for your studies, talk to your professors to find a solution.


Make the Most of Free Moments


Time is gold, and when you’re studying and working at the same time, every minute counts. Make the most of any free moments you have throughout the day, such as commuting or short breaks, to tackle small tasks like reading articles, reviewing notes, or answering emails.


Study in Small Doses


You won’t always have large blocks of time to study, so take advantage of short study sessions. If you have 20 or 30 minutes free, use that time to review key concepts or do some quick reading. Over time, these small efforts add up and help you stay on track.


Keep your notes and study materials organized and accessible, both digitally and on paper. This way, you can quickly pick up where you left off without wasting time searching for what you need.


Maintain Balance and Take Care of Your Health


When you’re working and studying at the same time, it’s easy to neglect other important aspects of life, such as rest, nutrition, or exercise. However, to perform at your best in both areas, it’s crucial to take care of your physical and mental health.


Lack of sleep can seriously affect your performance both at work and in your studies. Make sure to sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day to stay focused and energized.


Exercise not only improves your physical health, but it also helps reduce stress and boosts your concentration. Even if you don’t have much time, try to include some physical activity in your routine, whether it’s walking, yoga, or stretching.


A healthy diet is essential to maintaining high energy levels throughout the day. Avoid excessive caffeine and opt for nutrient-rich foods that help you stay focused and healthy.


Avoid Procrastination


One of the biggest enemies of time management is procrastination. Leaving tasks for the last minute generates more stress and affects the quality of your work or studies. To avoid procrastination, follow these tips:


  • Break Down Large Tasks: Instead of postponing a task that seems overwhelming, break it down into small, manageable steps. Completing each step will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going.


  • Set Realistic Deadlines: It’s important to be realistic with your deadlines. Setting deadlines that are too tight can lead to procrastination due to the pressure of not meeting them. Make sure to plan with enough time for each task.


You don’t have to do everything on your own. If at any point you feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether at work or in your studies, having the support of colleagues, teachers, or family members can make a big difference.

You can also seek out tutors or reinforcement classes, like those we offer at Academia Guiu, to optimize your study time and ensure that you make the most of each session.


The Secret Lies in Organization!


Studying and working at the same time can be a big challenge, but with good organization and efficient time management, it’s possible to achieve your goals in both areas. Remember, balance and discipline are essential to maintaining good performance.

If you need help with your studies, at Academia Guiu, we offer personalized courses and reinforcement classes that can adapt to your situation, helping you optimize your time and ensure academic success.