If you are one of the many students that in these days of September you face the Selectivity, keep calm. We have selected some practical tips, very easy to apply for approval and with a note!


Practical, very easy tips to pass the selectivity exams


  • Study in advance: It is important that you organize your study days in advance, to avoid stress and stress.
  • Sleep well: Spending the night reviewing is one of the biggest nonsense you could do, take advantage of those hours to relax and rest.
  • Have a good breakfast: Experts recommend that breakfast, in addition to dairy and cereals, some protein, fruit and vegetables. It may seem like a lot of food, but it has been shown that students who eat a very light breakfast in just two hours feel faint and lose concentration.
  • Check that you have everything you need to do the exercises: replacement pen, calculator or any other material you may need. Of course, don’t forget your ID. Take also a bottle of water and nuts
  • Leave home early: Calculate an extra time for contingencies (if you miss the bus, there is a traffic jam …). Otherwise, you could get stressed tests.
  • Choose your option well: Take a few minutes to think carefully about which option you can get the best results. Better to choose an option where you control everything, even if it is not perfectly, than another where there is a question that you would embroider, but there is also one that you have no idea.
  • Distribute time: It is important to set aside a few minutes to review the content, monitor spelling mistakes or make any final notes that we have missed.
  • Help yourself with a scheme: In the development questions, write in a scheme the concepts that you are going to expose, since it will be much more visual and when it comes to explaining it you can do it more neat
  • Start with the answers yaou are certain of: You guarantee a part of the points and then you can spend more time on those questions that need more effort and concentration.
  • Take care of vocabulary and spelling: A well-written exam with a varied vocabulary is a unique opportunity to demonstrate your written language skills. If you are not able to express yourself clearly and correctly, the answers will dazzle and your note too.
  • Review the test: Many of the errors occur due to dismissal and could be avoided with a simple reading as a review at the end.
  • Between test and test, try disconnecting: UOne of the worst things you can do is to discuss with your classmates what option they have chosen or that they have answered in this or that question. Comments could affect your mood negatively and, at this time, you must reserve your energy and confidence.

You will see that following these simple tips will help you prepare and deal more easily with selectivity. Good luck!